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This training module is designed to give you 'hands-on' experience through which you can gain a good appreciation of this well-known type of machine tool. In particular your attention will be directed towards its operational uses and parameters, the general layout of controls, accessories, associated tooling, and the maintenance factors related to lathes.
In order that you can make the most use of the limited time available on lathes it is essential that you use every chance to consolidate what you observe. This type of work is largely self-motivated and the drive and desire to find out must come from you.
It takes a considerable time to become a skilled lathe operator and to possess all the skill of hand that goes with it. Therefore it is not expected that you will be manually skilled on completion of the module but you will have gained intellectually and without doubt, by practical involvement, some skill of hand will be achieved.
Figure 1. Example of a Typical Centre Lathe