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Much of the Just-in-Time Distribution Strategies and programs of the past gave industry hope and promises. While some of those promises were fulfilled many did not pan out. Am I down on JIT? Well, I am not against JIT fully, but I think too many CPAs and CFOs, Corporate Boards cut too deep and some of the early technology (web based) sold too hard and many partners got taken for a ride as some of the early VC split the scene. Hype; we can solve all your problems, sign here, then See Ya!
In the Trucking industry there must have been 80 such companies, then 40, then 20 then 10 now 5. Don't you kind of see the same market hype with RFID originally? It is too bad that so many inventory warehouses were closed and now it is difficult to get the parts you need for just about anything you own in any industry. Oh they can find it somewhere on the computer, but then they have to rush ship it to you adding costs and air-freight too.
Often Just-in-Time has left us out in the cold and many corporate management decisions were made incorrectly based on hype rather than proven market place realities. Some businesses were hurt quite badly due to initiatives in JIT and they paid in stock devaluation due to subsequent same store sales losses in their outlets. Next time someone promises you something that is going to revolutionize efficiency. Just-Tell-Them you are from Missouri. Consider all this in 2006.
"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/. Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington
Labels: JIT Manufacturing